A calculation note is a document containing the calculations necessary for the design of the works.
In a calculation note there are several parts:
-the presentation of the work.
-the calculation hypotheses on the materials and the standards in force. One can find for example in this part the constructive provisions in terms of reinforcement
-the loads taken into account for the calculation of the structure.
-sizing and checks, element by element
-a plan or final sketch of the structure, also called plan of reinforcement.
It goes without saying that the content of the calculation note will differ depending on the structure concerned by this calculation note :
-metal work with sizing and verification of assemblies
-ouvrage en béton armé
Through the calculation note, the CFI Tech teams mainly simulate mechanisms under the influence of external constraints. We thus define the optimal solution for your project via different models. We therefore carry out two main types of calculations:
- Dimensioning calculations, depending on the choice of material, such as calculation by the finite element method, resistance calculations, etc.
- Function by theoretical characterization, such as flow rate calculations, aerodynamic or kinematic calculations.
- We rely concretely on analysis algorithms applied to engineering to solve extended problems. Therefore, the calculations apply to all types of projects. In structural design, for example, we will calculate the weather constraints (wind, snow, cold, sand), the loads (shocks, weight, vibrations, etc.). The calculations are therefore a theoretical approach making it possible to meet the specifications functional loads.